Non-Fat Yogurt Cup with Cucumber & Honey


1 1/2 Shredded Cucumber

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

6 Ounces Non-Fat Greek Yogurt

1 Teaspoon Honey

1 Teaspoon Chopped Fresh Mint

1/2 Teaspoon Lime Juice

1 Ounce Granola


  1. Sprinkle Cucumber with Salt & let it sit for 4-5 minutes.  Drain as much liquid (with paper towel) as possible.  Discard all of the juices
  2. Mix yogurt, mint, cucumber, honey and lime juice in a bowl.
  3. Add granola and serve this amazing yogurt.

Such a great flavor to this yogurt! Extremely delicious!   Weight Cliquers- small changes can make a tremendous difference! The best time for new beginnings is now.  Keep working hard to have a good diet! Keep developing a healthy lifestyle.  I hope you love this recipe! Thank you!!




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