Author: wcadmin

How to Dress- as you achieve Weight Loss Success
Weight loss definitely takes time and motivation. It is so tempting and exciting to show off your trim body after you drop a substantial amount of weight. Little by little, it is a real eye opener to wear stretchy workout clothes so you can feel comfortable and this will be affordable for your budget- as well. You are so worth it to feel good again. Being dressed up helps to remind yourself of your outstanding accomplishments and how far you have come.
One great way to feel your weight loss success is to donate your old clothes so you know that you have not lost all of your money. Such a great tip and a fabulous way to see how far your body has transformed. I want you to feel happy & comfortable all day long. Definitely- make getting healthy happen for YOU!!! Time to get ready for Spring!!!

Dr. Oz Show Appearance
My appearance on the Dr.Oz Show will be aired Monday, January 29, 2018 at 1 PM in New York (and many surrounding areas) on FOX.
Please check your local listings for exact stations/times. The Dr. Oz Show cannot legally distribute copies of the show, so please make sure to set your DVR to ‘record!’ You can also go to to find your local listings- at top of the page you will see a tab that says “Check Listings,” enter your zip code and that should let you know when/what channel the show is on.
Due to legalities, the entire show will not be posted on– just selected segments- so please make sure to tune in when it airs.
Special Nacho Salad
1 Cup Salsa
3 Teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
5 Cups Lettuce
1 Avocado – Sliced
25 Tortilla Chips
Spread lettuce on a flat platter & add above ingredients.
This truly is a five-star salad! This Nacho Salad has the potential to add more ingredients to be the Salad of your dreams!!! Perfect for a special party or Lunch & Dinner. Very, very easy to prepare & you will love every bite! Definitely, try this!!! So fantastic & delicious! Always be extra creative with Nachos! Have a blast with this special treat!!
Are you always Hungry?

Do you feel like you are starving throughout the day? Spreading your food out throughout the day has proved to be a very instrumental tool for me. Definitely, this will do the trick of feeling less deprived for you- as well. Ultimately, you will feel more satisfied than your mind always thinking about food. Always be as realistic as possible with setting realistic goals & expectations for your weight loss.
Did you know that drinking a lot of water can help you to feel full & take your mind off of being hungry- as well? Having a wide variety of foods can actually be very satisfying. Such a fantastic feeling so your tummy does not feel deprived all the time. Get the proper nutrients that you deserve. I want you to feel healthy & have a balanced lifestyle. I hope you feel great!!!
Special Almond Treat
1 1/2 Tablespoon Finely Chopped Rosemary
1 1/2 Teaspoon Chili
1 1/2 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Salt & Pepper
3 Cups of Almonds
1. Preheat your oven.
2. Combine the above ingredients in a large bowl. Apply nut mixture on baking sheet line with aluminum foil. Bake for 15 minutes until it toasted than cool the Almonds in room temperature.
This Fresh Almond Treat is the Best of the Best! So spicy & perfect for a party or a snack for your family. Your guest will love this flavorful Almond Treat! Wow… this is a one-of-a-kind snack for YOU!!! You are the greatest & deserve a special & easy to make snack. Wonderful way to start 2018!!! Enjoy every bite!
Keeping your Exercise Momentum in the New Year!
Can you relate to feeling nervous about how to maintain your workout efforts throughout the course of 2018? Training is the most integral role in dropping weight & achieving results with feeling healthy! Maintaining a daily exercise routine & keeping a diary about how many calories you are burning is so, so important to becoming a weight loss success! Do not even think to skip your training sessions – always keep your amazing momentum up of feeling dedicated!
Build a routine such as setting up your workout clothes so you can achieve success & feel at peace with your overall mood for fitness. Always get yourself in the best mindset so you can be in the right routine this year-as well. Schedule your training sessions as best as you can so your mind can stay determined. Get going so you can be as big of a success at the gym as when you first started! Know that you are so inspirational & deserve to be an enormous success in 2018!!!
Setting Goals that could be very Helpful in 2018!
Weight Cliquers, Happy New Year- 2018!!! What goals do have in your mind that you would like to achieve in 2018? This is your year for health, happiness & success! Definitely envision new goals & chase after them! Remember that selecting realistic goals is the way to go. Setting a healthy goal for 30-45 minutes each day can be the start of a positive way to move your life forward. There could be countless benefits in doing this. Eliminating Carbs from your diet can help to reduce your cravings. Also, figuring out which healthy foods to incorporate can be very exciting- as well!
How can you improve your fitness endurance this year? Do your best to push yourself as best as you can while strength training & working out. During your exercise routine, have a variety of programs so you can get a full body work-out. Definitely, it is so important to create overall healthy, long-term lifestyle goals that will be a terrific & outstanding fit for you. Stick to positive & consistent habits each and everyday. May your New Year be filled with countless blessings! I know that you can succeed at anything you put your mind to! I am so very excited for YOU!!
Training- at the comfort of your home!
Always remind yourself- that you do not need a gym or a personal trainer to workout.. you can do this at the comfort of your home! If you are a beginner- exercising at home is the way to go! What a great way to learn about your body and begin to gain confidence within yourself! Sometimes, improving your form & techniques will help you to see results without using exercise equipment. Take notice of the motions that you make with your body- as well.
You may feel more at peace with yourself when you train at home. Also, you may truly enjoy the privacy, benefits and leisure of working-out at home. Very exciting and so comfortable, as well. Always stay in tuned with your body and always think positive about yourself. Keep doing your best to look forward. Be certain to be consistent with your home work-outs. What a wonderful way to start your journey! Stay Confident, Weight Cliquers!
Getting Creative with Exercising!
Are you super busy to incorporate some sort of exercise in your day? A little here and there of working-out is the best activity that you can do. Sometimes people think of physically being at the gym to burn calories, however there are others ways to burn some calories. How about incorporating stretches and physical activity as you get dressed in the AM? What a great way to feel pumped & energized for a productive work day.
Also, when you go grocery shopping or to the mall- try walking more quickly and carry a basket of groceries so you can gain muscle strength. Every bit of effort adds up & you can find many other ways to be creative in your daily routine. Think about what you are doing so you can be as busy as ever with working out and burning calories. Stay strong, up-beat & positive with your busy schedule and getting healthy. Keep feeling good about yourself & don’t give up. You deserve to be healthy!!!!