
Dr. Oz Show Appearance
My appearance on the Dr.Oz Show will be aired Monday, January 29, 2018 at 1 PM in New York (and many surrounding areas) on FOX.
Please check your local listings for exact stations/times. The Dr. Oz Show cannot legally distribute copies of the show, so please make sure to set your DVR to ‘record!’ You can also go to to find your local listings- at top of the page you will see a tab that says “Check Listings,” enter your zip code and that should let you know when/what channel the show is on.
Due to legalities, the entire show will not be posted on– just selected segments- so please make sure to tune in when it airs.
Press – Statesboro
5 women share their secrets to losing over 50 pounds
Weight loss: 151 pounds
Gina Canakis was 298 pounds when she decided she wanted to make a change in her life. Losing her father to extreme obesity in 2013 motivated her to lose weight. She pursued weight loss surgery, but was told she would have to drop 10 percent of her weight naturally first. Once she started losing weight, she chose to continue her journey without surgery, she told Everyday Health.
She dieted for one year and lost 60 pounds, but she said she realized she needed to overcome her dislike of exercise to reach her goal. Canakis started small by walking in her driveway and she worked her way up to using the treadmill and bike machines at the gym.
Her secret to dieting was to eat her biggest meal in the morning so that she could burn it off during the day. She replaced soda with flavored water and sweets for yogurt. She encourages people who are beginning their weight loss journey to start small and keep a journal of “wins,” no matter how small.
You can get more tips from Canakis’ blog, Weight Clique.
Press – everyday HEALTH
Losing Her Father Prompted Gina to Lose 151 Pounds
Name: Gina Canakis
Age: 39
Height: 5’1″
Before: 298
After: 147
What was the turning point that prompted you to lose weight?
Watching my father suffer and eventually pass away due to complications of severe obesity in December 2013 was a real eye opener for me. His death made me face the reality that my weight would kill me if I let it. I felt unsure and scared, but I desperately wanted to change.
When did you start trying to lose weight?
My journey began in March 2013. At first, I researched weight-loss surgery options because I hadn’t been able to lose weight on my own in the past. I consulted several doctors, and a surgeon informed me that bariatric surgery would only be possible if I could lose at least 10 percent of my weight naturally first. I was discouraged, but I had no choice. I couldn’t walk without feeling short of breath. I was at my lowest point.
How did you get started?
With lots of encouragement from friends and family, I joined Jenny Craig. Without even purchasing the premade cuisine, I received comfort from the counselors and the accountability of weighing in every day. I started slowly — choosing foods more wisely and replacing fast food with organic whole food options. I began losing about 1 to 2 pounds a week and started seeing results. Encouraged by my progress, I decided to continue trying to lose weight naturally without surgery.
What was your biggest challenge?
I had to overcome my dislike of exercise. After one year of dieting, I had lost 60 pounds but knew I needed to integrate exercise if I wanted to reach my goal weight. I started slowly by walking up and down my driveway for about 20 minutes. Soon, I was walking around my neighborhood, and eventually I started going to the gym and walking on the treadmill. Over time, I increased my speed and steepness and explored new machines like the bike, elliptical, and weights. On any cardio machine I used, my goal was to keep my heart rate at 120 and burn 500 calories.
Were there times you wanted to quit or give up? How did you stay motivated?
I wanted to give up, especially in the beginning. What kept me going was my inner voice telling me to not quit even in the face of obstacles and challenges, and it reminded me how badly I wanted to change my life. Every time the number on the scale decreased, I felt closer to my true self and found a little more peace with my body.
If you reached a weight loss plateau, how did you break out of the rut?
Weight loss plateaus are normal, and I’ve learned to turn my setbacks into growth. When I got stuck in a rut, mixing up my intensity helped break my plateau. Even just cooling down for an extra 10 to 15 minutes, using heavier weights, increasing my reps, or trying different machines helped.
What is your current exercise routine?
I exercise for about 70 minutes, five days a week. I mostly use the elliptical to work my upper and lower body, and I alternate between a bosu ball, kettle bells, and free weights for strength training. My energy has increased, and I can push myself to do exercises I would never have been able to complete before.
What does your daily diet look like?
I typically eat my largest meal in the morning, so I can burn it off throughout the day. I eliminated all processed foods and switched to organic whole foods. I replaced diet soda with flavored water and have substituted my daily latte with a decaf Americano with non-fat milk. Instead of sugary desserts, I’ll have nonfat Greek yogurt, fruit, or nuts. I eat a lot of vegetables with a protein on the side like salmon, catfish, or chicken. My favorite healthy meal is lemon dill tilapia, gigante beans, and a Tuscan salad with salsa fresca.
How has losing weight changed your life?
I no longer have sleep apnea, acid reflux, or eczema. It is so liberating to breathe without shortness of breath. But what’s changed the most is my mentality. I have more confidence, and I’m calmer, more energized, and more at peace with myself. I feel proud that I was able to lose weight on my own without surgery just by changing my diet and lifestyle.
Do you have any advice for those trying to lose weight?
Start with small changes. The first thing I worked on was my diet. But I didn’t revamp everything all at once. I started by changing creamy dressings to balsamic vinegar on my salads, and after getting used to healthier options, I realized that I actually enjoyed eating clean. It also helps to stay positive. Keep a journal of your daily “wins” no matter how small or large, so you can go back and see how far you have come.
Follow Gina’s weight-loss journey on her blog, Weight Clique.
IMAGE CREDIT: Photos courtesy of Gina Canakis
Reporting by Sarah Kelleher, Everyday Health Staff
Press – Bright Plan
Lose 168 Pounds
Gina Canakis of Springfield, Penn transformed her life and her health when she set an audacious health goal and lost 168 lbs. in the process. Her wildly popular blog Weight Clique documents her journey and offers tips on weight loss, fitness, and healthy living.
“Ever since I can remember, I have had a weight issue. My life revolved around food. I was focusing all of my attention on my career, family and friends which contributed to my weight gain over the years. I was uncomfortable in my own body and felt judged by everyone around me. My clothes never fit right, and I avoided looking in the mirror to see the person I had become. In the span of 5 years, I gained around 150 lbs… Losing 168 lbs. and counting in 25 months has transformed my life. Now I am here to encourage you to begin your journey to weight loss.”
We were inspired by Gina’s story and trust you will be too
Press – Feedspot
Embarking on a fitness and weight loss journey is a daunting thing. It’s easy to slip into years of bad habits and trying to change your lifestyle is incredibly hard. However the blogging community is a
great way of inspiring those who want to lose weight or improve their fitness- it’s full of amazing stories, real results and of course is supportive and encouraging. Although experts are important, sometimes it’s better to connect with real people, people just like you, who have started their own weight loss journey – and are sharing their experience and success stories with the world through their blog. That’s why we put together a list of the 100 most motivational and inspirational weight loss blogs.
These are real people. They’ve know exactly what it feels like since they have been in the same position earlier in their life. Whether you’re someone who has just made the commitment to lose the weight, a blogger who also shares your own journey towards a healthy lifestyle, a person who likes to read about the triumphs of others, whoever… these blogs are the excellent. They are full of practical advice, encouragement, understanding and so much more.
Press – Diet-to-Go
Authentically Emmie. The Anti-Jared. No Thanks to Cake. 300 Pounds and Running. The Double Chin Diary. Coffee Cake and Cardio.Those are just some examples of bloggers who have for years been the go-to’s for weight loss and healthy living inspiration.
And rightfully so. They’re the leaders in the field, people who have put themselves and their personal journeys out there for the world to see, day-in and day-out. Along the way, they have picked up hundreds of thousands of readers who go to them for motivation, for resources and even just to connect with someone who understands the struggle.
But what about those lesser-known bloggers? The ones who aren’t on the front page of Google search results for “weight loss” or “healthy living” bloggers, but who also spend countless hours writing out their innermost feelings, sharing secrets to success and putting it all out there in hopes of achieving wellness?
They deserve love too. That’s why we put together a list of the top 100 inspirational bloggers you probably have never heard of.
Some of them are brand new to the world of blogging. Others have been blogging for a few years, but recently shifted their focus to healthy living or weight loss. And others are just ready to share amazing things with you to help you along in your journey.
Whatever your reason for needing to find a blogger who can inspire you — be it for weight loss, fitness, positive body image, healthy recipes, you name it — you’ll find that someone right here.
Press – Losing Weight One Step At A Time
For a person starting out their weight loss journey, their first thought is to search for the best diets that work fast. This can be a daunting task, after all, records at least 97 different diets and more seem to keep coming out every single year!
However, there ARE people who lose weight and there are weight loss experts that help people to lose weight. I decided to gather 27 weight loss experts and ask them the following question:
From your experience, which diet (or top 3) or way of eating have you seen work best for
people who are just starting their weight loss journey?