Embarking on a fitness and weight loss journey is a daunting thing. It’s easy to slip into years of bad habits and trying to change your lifestyle is incredibly hard. However the blogging community is a
great way of inspiring those who want to lose weight or improve their fitness- it’s full of amazing stories, real results and of course is supportive and encouraging. Although experts are important, sometimes it’s better to connect with real people, people just like you, who have started their own weight loss journey – and are sharing their experience and success stories with the world through their blog. That’s why we put together a list of the 100 most motivational and inspirational weight loss blogs.
These are real people. They’ve know exactly what it feels like since they have been in the same position earlier in their life. Whether you’re someone who has just made the commitment to lose the weight, a blogger who also shares your own journey towards a healthy lifestyle, a person who likes to read about the triumphs of others, whoever… these blogs are the excellent. They are full of practical advice, encouragement, understanding and so much more.