How to Build a Healthy Sense of Entitelment

healthy-womanWhen I was at my heaviest weight, I was in the habit of putting myself last.  I lost a sense of who I was as a person.  I no longer cared about myself.  I thought that I did not matter.  Instead, I focused on others and what I they needed.  I lacked entitlement which is just another way of saying my needs do not matter.  I tried to figure out what others wanted from me rather than what I needed from them.

The process of losing weight may put you more in touch with yourself as a special person.  This was so true for me.  I realized that I had hit rock bottom and unless I focused on myself, I could die.  Losing weight took all my effort.  I had to put myself first.  Little by little, the notion clicked that I was as important as anyone else.  When you gain weight, you feel ashamed.  Shame leads to feeling that you do not matter.  Always remember that you are so valuable.  Lets go forward to losing weight!



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