Making Sleep a Priority

sleepThe value of good sleep is probably underestimated by most of us.  Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can create havoc in our lives.  In addition to breathing problems it can cause mood changes, anxiety and cardiac issues.  Apart from diagnosable sleep disorders it is important for all of us to get a good nights sleep.  Lack of sleep can actually contribute to weight gain.  It can also make us irritable and unproductive.

Here are some tips to maintaining proper sleep.  It helps to have a regular bed time and have 7-8 hours of sleep.  Try to minimize your use of caffeinated products after mid-day.  Avoid T.V. watching and computer time right before bed because this can be over stimulating.  Relaxing before going to bed like taking a bath or listening to calm music could be helpful.  Both our minds and bodies need sleep to maintain a healthy self.  Always remember, sleep makes a big difference!



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