Grilled Salmon & Special Cucumber Yogurt


1 cup low-fat yogurt

1 1/2 teaspoon dried dill

1 1/2 salmon filet

Cut in 4 pieces

salt and pepper


1. In a regular bowl, combine cucumbers, yogurt, garlic and dill. Mix well. Cover and refrigerate for over 15 minutes.

2. Pre-heat grill for medium- high. Sprinkle salmon with salt and pepper. Cook salmon, skin side down for 4-5 minutes. Use a spatula to flip salmon. Grill until opaque for another 5-6 minutes.

3. Properly season cucumber with salt & pepper. Serve on a plate with cucumber-yogurt salad.

Wow- This is truly a quick, healthy and nutritious recipe.  Get your day started right and keep your energy levels high!  Certainly, this dish will fuel your body.  This entrée is high in protein and will help your body stay strong.  Eating right takes a little work, however it is worth every bite!




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