The Confidence I Need to Move Forward

shutterstock_238707229The times that I feel a loss of confidence is when I gain weight. My stomach tends to get rounder and my clothes do not properly fit right anymore. The way I cope with this is by reminding myself of how I use to be when I was overweight. For instance, I would look at old clothes which would remind me of what my sedentary lifestyle use to be. This is a marker of how far I have come. I have lost more than half of my size. A goal that I thought was impossible and yet I did it. This gives me the boost I need to continue on my wonderful journey and be confident.

Getting on the elliptical has continuously become easier. By gaining confidence is true competency. Always pushing myself to go above and beyond what is typically comfortable is vital. For example, I like to use the elliptical, but I am thinking of getting into running and maybe even doing a marathon race. Vigorous work-outs take guts and stamina both physically and psychologically. Please hang in there, Weight Cliquers!



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