Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles

Getting in the right frame of mind is such a very important step if you want to be successful in losing weight. By having a lot of creative goals you can figure out all the barriers standing in your way so you can be very successful in your weight loss journey. Starting each day with empowering behaviors and ideas will always lead you to a positive destination.

I know that I always (when I was 298 pounds) had a quick fix mentality. Remind yourself that a slow (1-2 pounds per week) and steady weight loss is so very healthy & leads to permanent results. Staying consistent with your daily meals & exercise plan is so very important so you can achieve positive habits. I know that you will be a success! Stay upbeat & happy. Enjoy your day!



Reasons why you should NOT give up on accomplishing your weight loss goals

It is normal to experience set-backs & not feel motivated about going to the gym or eating healthy.  When you experience days when you have no drive and feel stressed-out always remember how you felt when you initially started your weight loss journey.  Think about how well your body will feel after a vigorous training session and not giving into excuses.  Always remember why you wanted to make the commitment to feel healthy in the first place.

Always switch up what you are eating from time to time- so you do not get bored & start eating more.  Also, try changing up your work-out routine, as well.  Remember that there is so much support (Instagram, Facebook, Magazines) for weight loss- if you really want it.  Remind yourself that you are not alone.  It is such a terrific feeling when your clothes start to fit better again!  Hoping your day is as special as YOU! Weight Cliquers- Don’t Give Up!!! XO.



Rewarding yourself when you hit your Weight Loss Goals

Dropping weight can be very challenging, however when you reach your goal weight it can be very exciting!  It is very important to reward yourself for your hard work & determination so it can  inspire you to keep moving forward so you can maintain that healthy weight.  Developing healthy habits and taking your weight loss seriously is important- however you deserve to be rewarded for your healthy choices.

Take me for instance, some ways that I have rewarded myself are posting my progress on social media.  This helps me to stay focused and accountable.  Also, I enjoy taking selfie photos to see how far I have come.  It helps me to see the difference in my progress- as well.  There are so many effective & inspiring ways to reward yourself. Always be creative!  I am here to help cheer you on as you celebrate your weight loss goals!  Happy Summer!



Reviewing Diet to Go Meals

Last year, Diet to Go selected my Blog out of thousands to be part of the top 100 Bloggers of the year to inspire others to lose weight.  Diet to Go has sent me 4 days of free meals which I will review on this Blog.  I am excited to promote healthy eating! After sampling these quality meals- I realized that these 1200 calorie meals are fresh & tasty!  In addition to this- I did not gain weight.  My weight stayed balanced during the 4 day trial period of sampling these amazing packaged meals.

My favorite breakfast was Apple Pancakes, Turkey Sausage and Light Syrup.  The ingredients to this AM substitution meal is perfect & so delicious.  The best lunch that I ate was Tomato Pesto Meltover and Spiced Apples.  The Tomato Pesto Meltover is moist, has the best seasonings, is tender and so very yummy.  For dinner- I enjoyed Italian Chicken, Cous Cous Pilaf and Roasted Green Beans which is simply the greatest!  What a sensational meal combo (protein, veggies & starch) & only 470 Calories.  Diet to Go provides outstanding and quality meals.  Give Diet to Go a try!  To be optimistic, healthy and happy- start by giving off positive energy!  When you change your thinking- you can change your life forever!  Have a fabulous day!



What really makes you Motivated?

Commitment, dedication & motivation is key to turning your goals into a reality by developing a healthy lifestyle.  Achieving healthy living goals is the preliminary steps to making changes & developing inner strength.  Setting challenging & making realistic goals for yourself is important so you can always feel motivated to be productive in your life.

Jotting down your goals is the first step to indentifying & sticking to a plan so you will be a success.  Stay  genuine with changing & discovering a new mindset!  Try to search for new improvements in your life so you can feel strong within yourself to make a solid transformation.  May you have a marvelous rest of your day!!!  You are the Best!



Tricks to Manage your Out-of-Control Eating

Exactly how can your manage your out of control binge eating?  One of the best ways to get in control of your mind is to distract yourself.  Try listening to uplifting music, enjoy a brisk walk or take a warm bath.  Be certain to keep your kitchen cabinets filled with healthy treats.  This will be very helpful to keep you in control and feeling satisfied.

Handling stress & emotional issues is vital in keeping your binge thinking, out of control behavior managed.  Start shifting your mind into a different set of happy, positive emotions.  Calm yourself down when you are tempted to eat and maybe drink water.  Weight Cliquers- Do not get caught up with what you want to munch on- think about the positive attitude and healthy choices that you can make to feel good about yourself!  Enjoy this beautiful Spring Day!



Have you been Working-out too much?

Be certain to take note that overtraining can often leave you tired and exhausted instead of energized and relaxed.  You may be going too far with your workouts… here are some tips!  When you have a high intensity training session- it is vital to rest 1 or 2 days a week.  If you are sore for a couple days- it can mean that you have gone too far and are workingout too hard.  Easing your way into exercise is a fabulous way to stay healthy.

If you are getting upset and irritable more than usual this could potentially be a sign that you may be over-exercising.. as well.  Sometimes, feeling well rested is vital than spending too much time at the gym.  Weight Cliquers- Do not over stress yourself.  Make sure that you choose the exercise machines that you love so at the end of the day- it did not feel like a chore.  Give your body the attention that it deserves!!  Enjoy!



Why you Should Not Compare Yourself to Others

Happy Spring!  Do you ever compare yourself to others at the gym?  Take a step back and be grateful with all that you have accomplished instead of putting yourself down.  Stay in the moment and be happy so you can do your best at the gym today.  Comparing yourself to others makes you less appreciative of the person you are & you are so much more powerful than getting down on yourself.

Remind that little voice inside yourself that sometimes it is hard not to compare and thinking negatively can be the worst feeling for you to move forward with training.  Do not knock yourself down!  Remind yourself that everyone has their own struggles.  Keep building and giving yourself the confidence you really deserve.  Be content with the person you are- everyday!



Why Positive Self-Talk can be Helpful to You!

When vigorously working out- do you ever feel that you need positive self talk so you do not quit?  During a high-intensity training session.. motivational self-talk can help you to be competitive.  It can be powerful to think or say out loud phrases like “don’t give up” or “keep pushing yourself.”  Have in mind when you are working out what goals you have so you can easily identify what you want to achieve.  That can be very helpful and beneficial for you.

Before an intense training session- realize your mind is so powerful and what you think during your work-out can greatly influence your performance.  You want to be strong during an effective work-out so keep up the amazing effort by staying positive and in the right frame of mind- before, during and after your aerobic session.  You are incredible and always believe that about yourself!



Ways to Stay on Track & Always Create a Fresh Start

There are multiple ways stay on track and avoid failure and choose to actively focus on self-improvements for your health.  Always have a desire and concentrate on balance so you can succeed with taking care of your over-all health.  Whichever program or person you choose to help you attain your weight loss goals, stick with it & give yourself time to see results.

Always make clear and realistic weight loss goals.  Never rush the process, be certain to ease into your weight loss journey.  Do your best to track your progress on a daily & weekly basis.  Resolve to eat moderate portions of healthier food consistently.  Remember to always stay accountable with your weight loss by weighing in as much as you can.  Enjoy the Sunshine, Weight Cliquers!!!

