How to Tackle Evening Cravings

shutterstock_183368096Many people tend to experience evening cravings. Be certain to be mindful about munching on snacks with out nutritional value. Instead, select a nutritious snack such as fruit, vegetables or low-fat cheese. Drinking beverages such as decaf coffee, herbal tea, water or crystal light can make you feel full. If you are thinking about food, detour your mind into enjoyable activities that you can do. Getting on the internet is something that I do to distract myself from eating late at night. Talking to friends or reading is another way to handle this temptation. Try not to include fun activities with food such as eating and watching T.V. at the same time.

Choosing to consistently purchase nutritious and balanced food for your household is the best way to maintain healthy cravings. Establishing an evening ritual of not eating with-in two hours of going to bed is highly essential to dropping weight. Do your absolute best! Un-doing bad habits take time and effort! Start today!!



Effective Ways to Stay Diet Strong

shutterstock_1920519831. Eat Breakfast:

What a fabulous way to start your day by eating a nourishing breakfast, regularly. Some people do not feel like eating in the AM, however that is not a good idea. By grabbing a morning meal can be extremely beneficial for you. Having a bite to eat in the morning causes your metabolism to speed up. Be certain to include protein and healthy carbs such as fruit.

2. Include a Variety of Food:

Incorporating a healthy variety of delicious food is necessary for weight loss. Food such as protein, fruit, vegetables, nuts and fiber containing food is a nutritious and balanced meal combination. Avoiding processed foods is important for a healthy weight drop. I always include a special treat for myself such as Greek yogurt.

3. Make Your Weight Loss Public:

The advantages of letting others know about my weight loss success story helps me to stay focused and grounded. When others know or recognize that I have lost weight they tend to offer encouragement and support. The pressure is uplifting and continues to make me feel determined. Also, it is very gratifying when people ask me for advice. Knowing that I can help others is a wonderful feeling.



The Confidence I Need to Move Forward

shutterstock_238707229The times that I feel a loss of confidence is when I gain weight. My stomach tends to get rounder and my clothes do not properly fit right anymore. The way I cope with this is by reminding myself of how I use to be when I was overweight. For instance, I would look at old clothes which would remind me of what my sedentary lifestyle use to be. This is a marker of how far I have come. I have lost more than half of my size. A goal that I thought was impossible and yet I did it. This gives me the boost I need to continue on my wonderful journey and be confident.

Getting on the elliptical has continuously become easier. By gaining confidence is true competency. Always pushing myself to go above and beyond what is typically comfortable is vital. For example, I like to use the elliptical, but I am thinking of getting into running and maybe even doing a marathon race. Vigorous work-outs take guts and stamina both physically and psychologically. Please hang in there, Weight Cliquers!



The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself After Exercising

shutterstock_139311575After I exercise I do various things that are relaxing for me. I have a protein snack to help replenish my muscles. To ensure that I am hydrated I continue to drink water when I have completed my fitness routine. Personally, I like to take a shower. The hot water relaxes my body. I feel more focused and calm after a solid work-out. I give myself a positive self affirmation like I have worked very hard today. A special ritual is recording what I accomplished at the gym in a journal. This gives me a sense of purpose; it underlines how far I have come. I reach out to my core friends and share common interests. After all that diligent effort, you deserve a peaceful moment. Breaking a sweat takes work. Allow yourself to feel marvelous after training!!



3 Tips to Sticking with your Exercise Goals

shutterstock_2474587421. I am capable. I can handle this.

Using daily affirmations can boost your morale. Negative thoughts can deflate your morale if you let it. I know that I can stick to my exercise goals because I have built myself up with a lot of hard work and dedication and so can you. Believe that you can look amazing, tackle any obstacle and feel healthy.

2. Find a exercise friend.

There are numerous advantages of having a running buddy. You can learn from one another and positively support each other. You might feel more motivated and willing to go to the gym with a friend. Being with your best buddy might challenge you to go beyond what you normally do on your own.

3. Turn on some tunes and be happy.

By listening to music it may make you more present, in the moment and pumped up. Truly, it is more enjoyable and satisfying by turning up the music tunes than anything. Engaging in music is the best feeling ever and you can feel less bored and more motivated to complete a high-powered work-out.



How to Turn Negative Thoughts into a Healthy, Positive Mindset

shutterstock_98864516It can often happen that you find yourself in a negative mindset characterized by over-generalization. For instance, if you are experiencing low energy you may tell yourself that you are going nowhere. In fact, that is an exaggeration coming from feelings of frustration. The first step is to recognize that you are over reacting. The second step is to formulate a more realistic appraisal of what is happening. You might ask yourself the question, “Am I really getting nowhere or am I frustrated today?” When you learn to create a positive mindset, you start to attract more positivity. By creating a positive, healthy attitude, you are able to dream big, achieve your goals and get what you truly want out of life.

Counter your negative thoughts with more commonsense ideas. For example, a realistic thought would be I feel low energy because I did not eat breakfast in the morning. However, tomorrow is a new day. The truth of the matter is you are not going to feel the same way everyday. There will be good days and mediocre days. Bring to mind the things that you have accomplished to this point. Always keep in mind what your goals are. One of the most rewarding things I have learned on my journey towards fitness is that by changing the way I think about myself, all dreams are possible. Often times, we can push through our limits if we have clear and strong goals. The pay-off is worth it!!



Safety Tips for Exercising

shutterstock_114509212It is very important to acquire complete understanding and knowledge of the equipment that you will be using. Operating exercise machines correctly and safely is key to having an excellent work-out. By having a trainer show you how to do this is a fabulous idea. For instance, using proper form and technique while lifting weights is vital. Wearing the correct footwear and making sure your shoelaces are completely tied is important.

Gaining experience and confidence is essential before moving on to more challenging levels. It is highly recommended to keep hydrated by drinking water before, during and after a training session. It is a personal preference to use gloves when lifting weights to prevent slippery hands. Pay attention to all of the signals of what your body is telling you. Forget texting or calling someone while using exercise equipment. Injuries are not worth it. Constantly incorporate safety into every exercise routine. There is nothing as powerful as being safe!!



The Benefits of Consistent Exercise‏

shutterstock_58592911To become mentally prepared for exercise I think about the benefits of daily work-outs. Some incentives for exercise are improving cardiovascular functioning, increasing my energy and strength. I realize that my day is not complete with-out incorporating physical activity. I make it as a part of my routine just as brushing my teeth. Also, it becomes automatic to go to the gym and train. Of course, there will be times when I do not feel like exercising. At those times I think about how far and what I have accomplished. This gives me the push I need.

Not everyday has to be a high powered work-out day. Pay attention to your body and what is right for you that day. As you are training be mindful of what you are doing, that your posture is good and your technique is correct. Psychologically consistent exercise boosts my self esteem, confidence, puts me in a positive frame of mind and makes me feel more mentally alert. Truly, working out is a ideal way of caring for yourself. What better way to take care of your well-being than a fulfilling training session. Enjoy your day!!!



Going to The Gym With a Plan

shutterstock_250024108It is a good idea to have a work-out plan because it provides structure and focus. An example of a training session would be to start on the elliptical machine than to briskly walk later. On the elliptical machine I would raise the levels based on my heart rate. My goal is to raise my heart rate to 120. Another objective is to burn at least 600 calories in 70 minutes. I exercise for 60 minutes and cool down for 10 minutes.

I alternate my work-outs so that I am not doing the same routine everyday. On days that I do not go to the gym, I walk the track over an hour. Once or twice a week, I give myself a day of rest. Part of my plan is that I have a bottle of water available and a protein snack for afterwards. Pick a time of day that works best for you to train. I prefer to work-out in the early afternoon because I have more energy. Have a thoughtful and productive work-out!!

