Non-Fat Yogurt Cup with Cucumber & Honey


1 1/2 Shredded Cucumber

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

6 Ounces Non-Fat Greek Yogurt

1 Teaspoon Honey

1 Teaspoon Chopped Fresh Mint

1/2 Teaspoon Lime Juice

1 Ounce Granola


  1. Sprinkle Cucumber with Salt & let it sit for 4-5 minutes.  Drain as much liquid (with paper towel) as possible.  Discard all of the juices
  2. Mix yogurt, mint, cucumber, honey and lime juice in a bowl.
  3. Add granola and serve this amazing yogurt.

Such a great flavor to this yogurt! Extremely delicious!   Weight Cliquers- small changes can make a tremendous difference! The best time for new beginnings is now.  Keep working hard to have a good diet! Keep developing a healthy lifestyle.  I hope you love this recipe! Thank you!!




Special Orange Salad


1 Large Navel Orange

1 1/2 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

2 Tablespoon Vinegar

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Cup Sliced Red Onion

1 Shaved Cucumber

1 Shaved Carrott


  1. Section & Peel Orange.  Squeeze over a bowl to extract all of the juice.
  2. Add the other ingredients & toss.

Weight Cliquers- Be certain to eat for the body you want.. not the body you have! Remember.. you don’t have to eat less- you have to eat right!  Start today by making the healthier choice.  Time to make time yourself!  Such a delicious & healthy salad!!



Awesome Spring Salad


1/2 Pound Asparagus

1 1/2 Cup Shredded Green Cabbage

1 Cup Radish Greens

1/2 Cup thinly sliced Red Onion

1 Cup Snow Peas

2 Tablespoons of Honey

1/2 Teaspoon Kosher Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper


  1. Heat a Medium Skillet over Medium High.  Place asparagus spears in pan & add water to completely cover.  Let it cook & simmer for 4 minutes, until tender. Cut & Drain into thirds & set aside.
  2. Place all of the greens in a bowl.  Toss & mix.  In separate bowl – combine the remaining ingredients.  Stir carefully.  Combine all of the ingredients.

Weight Cliquers- I can guarantee you that you will fall in love with this wonderful salad.  Remember, success starts with self-discipline.  It is your choice to be healthy.  Continue to work on yourself.  Once you control your mind- you can conquer anything.  Keep aiming to improve yourself & strive for progress! Enjoy this super salad!



Almond, Feta & Cucumber Salad Mixture


3 1/2 Cups of Lettuce

2 Cups of Diced Cucumber

1/2 Cup of Walnuts

2 1/2 Cups of Feta Cheese Crumbled

2 Tablespoons of Chopped Dill

1 1/2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil

1 1/2 Tablespoons of White Vinegar

1 1/2 Teaspoon of Dijon Mustard

1/2 Teaspoon of Salt

1/2 Teaspoon of Pepper


Mix Lettuce, Cucumber, Almonds & Feta in a Bowl.  Combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and mix.  Add this amazing mixture to the lettuce – Toss & Enjoy every Bite!

Wow! What a great Salad & so very simple to make. Very delicious- to say the least!  Start saying to yourself that you will begin to cook healthier.  Believe that you can do anything… & you are halfway there!  May you fall in love with this incredible salad- like I did! Enjoy the rest of your Spring! Take Care! XO.




Walnut, Lemon, Goat Cheese & Beet Salad


1 Teaspoon of Sugar

2 Small Lemons, Peeled and Cut in Sections

4 Medium Beets, Roasted and Properly Peeled

1/4 Cup of Parsley Leaves

1/2 Cup of Walnuts

1 1/2 Ounces of Crumbled Goat Cheese

1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil

1/2 Teaspoon of Sea Salt

1/2 Teaspoon of Black Pepper


1. Mix Lemons and Sugar in a bowl and let it sit for 45 minutes.  Remove Lemon in a bowl with a slotted  spoon.

2. Slice Beets (as thin as you can)Arrange lemon segments, parsley & beet slices on a medium platter.  Drizzle goat cheese and walnuts.  Sprinkle oil as well as the salt and pepper.

What a sensational salad!?  Very, very simple to make & this can be eaten for Lunch or Dinner.  This Salad will no longer make you feel tempted!  Weight Cliquers, you will only fail if you give up on yourself!  Stop Wishing & Start Doing!  Wishing you a remarkable day!! Enjoy this fabulous salad! The perfect mixture of food!!



Why you Should Not Compare Yourself to Others

Happy Spring!  Do you ever compare yourself to others at the gym?  Take a step back and be grateful with all that you have accomplished instead of putting yourself down.  Stay in the moment and be happy so you can do your best at the gym today.  Comparing yourself to others makes you less appreciative of the person you are & you are so much more powerful than getting down on yourself.

Remind that little voice inside yourself that sometimes it is hard not to compare and thinking negatively can be the worst feeling for you to move forward with training.  Do not knock yourself down!  Remind yourself that everyone has their own struggles.  Keep building and giving yourself the confidence you really deserve.  Be content with the person you are- everyday!



Why Positive Self-Talk can be Helpful to You!

When vigorously working out- do you ever feel that you need positive self talk so you do not quit?  During a high-intensity training session.. motivational self-talk can help you to be competitive.  It can be powerful to think or say out loud phrases like “don’t give up” or “keep pushing yourself.”  Have in mind when you are working out what goals you have so you can easily identify what you want to achieve.  That can be very helpful and beneficial for you.

Before an intense training session- realize your mind is so powerful and what you think during your work-out can greatly influence your performance.  You want to be strong during an effective work-out so keep up the amazing effort by staying positive and in the right frame of mind- before, during and after your aerobic session.  You are incredible and always believe that about yourself!



Ways to Stay on Track & Always Create a Fresh Start

There are multiple ways stay on track and avoid failure and choose to actively focus on self-improvements for your health.  Always have a desire and concentrate on balance so you can succeed with taking care of your over-all health.  Whichever program or person you choose to help you attain your weight loss goals, stick with it & give yourself time to see results.

Always make clear and realistic weight loss goals.  Never rush the process, be certain to ease into your weight loss journey.  Do your best to track your progress on a daily & weekly basis.  Resolve to eat moderate portions of healthier food consistently.  Remember to always stay accountable with your weight loss by weighing in as much as you can.  Enjoy the Sunshine, Weight Cliquers!!!



Why Strength Training can be an Amazing Experience

Getting your arms & legs in shape as well as strength training can be a very helpful routine for your body, mind and life.  Always think about the positive reasons why you should lift weights and be certain to have fun doing it, as well.  Body building helps build muscle mass and creates a better shape to your body.  Building muscle allows you to get the most out of the quality of your health and daily training routine.

Staying in the best shape can make you feel good about yourself and give you the confidence you deserve.  I have discovered that the more muscle you have, the more you can healthily eat without gaining weight- which is fabulous.  This is very important to know- especially for long-term weight loss management.  Have a marvelous time lifting weights and enjoy it- as well!



Are you Under alot of Stress & Feel Rundown?

Everyone feels stress from time to time.  Some signs of stress are feeling exhausted, sleeping less and skipping a working-out.  Always keep in mind that some people gain weight during demanding & stressful circumstances.  Sometimes people eat due to emotional issues, as well.  The first step to take is figuring out a way to deal with stress and getting in control of your life.

Some ways that stress can be reduced is by doing yoga, working-out, deep breathing or taking a nap and getting more sleep.  Pay close attention if you are beginning to binge during stressful times as it is important to know that about yourself.  Do your best to make life easier.  Try doing whatever you can to be a happier person.  Eat healthy and always have positive energy!  I am cheering for you!!

