Special Almond Treat


1 1/2 Tablespoon Finely Chopped Rosemary

1 1/2 Teaspoon Chili

1 1/2 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1/2 Teaspoon Salt & Pepper

3 Cups of Almonds


1. Preheat your oven.

2. Combine the above ingredients in a large bowl. Apply nut mixture on baking sheet line with aluminum foil. Bake for 15 minutes until it toasted than cool the Almonds in room temperature.

This Fresh Almond Treat is the Best of the Best! So spicy & perfect for a party or a snack for your family. Your guest will love this flavorful Almond Treat! Wow… this is a one-of-a-kind snack for YOU!!! You are the greatest & deserve a special & easy to make snack. Wonderful way to start 2018!!! Enjoy every bite!



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