Knowing the Difference between Healthy Fats & Un-Healthy Fats

healthy-fatThere is a common misconception that all fats should be avoided.  The fact of the matter is some fats are essential for our health.  Some fats are needed in your diet so it is not good to eliminate all fats from your meals.  Fat is actually necessary for you to drop weight.  It depends on the source of food you are getting it from.  Examples of foods containing healthy fats are salmon, olive oil and even dark chocolate.  Unhealthy fats include saturated and trans fats.  Sources of unhealthy fats are eggs, meat and dairy.  Everything in moderation is key to a successful weight loss.  A healthy dose of appropriate fat can go along way!



Look Forward Not Back

look-forwardWhat does it mean to look forward as opposed to looking back?  When you dwell on the past, you tend to get mired in negative memories.  Take me for instance, I felt very hurt when people talked about weight behind my back.  Those feelings caused me to isolate myself socially.  If I focus on those hurtful feelings of the past it could bog me down.  To counteract this negativity I look forward to the possibilities of the future.  I now find new opportunities such as socializing, dancing, going out with friends and going to the gym with out feeling intimidated.

My current goal is to maintain my weight and healthy lifestyle.  I have come to realize that looking into the future, my goals are to motivate and inspire others to achieve their dreams.  By looking forward, you create positive energy.  Weight Cliquers, I am very confident that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to!  Stay positive!



The Importance of Eating Slowly

slow-eatingMost Americans rush through their meals, short changing themselves and their digestive systems.  We were designed to eat slowly.  Not only does it help our stomachs to digest food properly, but it also helps us to enjoy the quality of our meals.

Here are some of the ways that can benefit you and your digestion.  Eat more slowly and be certain to chew more thoroughly.  If you find this challenging to do, here are some tips.  Eat without distractions and give yourself at least 20-30 minutes to complete your entree.  Be in the moment by paying attention to the taste, texture and smell of your food.  You will be surprised how much more you will appreciate your dish by paying closer attention.  Remember, digestion is a complicated process which you should help by doing as much as you can. Please, take your time!



Making Sleep a Priority

sleepThe value of good sleep is probably underestimated by most of us.  Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can create havoc in our lives.  In addition to breathing problems it can cause mood changes, anxiety and cardiac issues.  Apart from diagnosable sleep disorders it is important for all of us to get a good nights sleep.  Lack of sleep can actually contribute to weight gain.  It can also make us irritable and unproductive.

Here are some tips to maintaining proper sleep.  It helps to have a regular bed time and have 7-8 hours of sleep.  Try to minimize your use of caffeinated products after mid-day.  Avoid T.V. watching and computer time right before bed because this can be over stimulating.  Relaxing before going to bed like taking a bath or listening to calm music could be helpful.  Both our minds and bodies need sleep to maintain a healthy self.  Always remember, sleep makes a big difference!



Is Complaining Sabotaging your Weight Loss?

$_3While complaining is a common human reaction in the face of difficulty, it can undermine your goals and progress.  Have you ever noticed how you feel when you have confronted a problem with a solution as opposed to simply complaining about that problem?  I felt empowered when I discovered that I could decrease chronic hunger by eliminating carbohydrates.  Before I realized this I noticed that I was ravenous and craved pasta all day.

Finding a solution to my hunger has helped me immeasurably more than complaining about my cravings.  I think this is true in life, generally.  Chronic whining generates negative emotions that feeds upon itself.  Typically, problem solving produces positive energy and promotes growth.  Counter your negative thoughts with an optimistic and healthy liveliness.  Stay motivated!



How to Build a Healthy Sense of Entitelment

healthy-womanWhen I was at my heaviest weight, I was in the habit of putting myself last.  I lost a sense of who I was as a person.  I no longer cared about myself.  I thought that I did not matter.  Instead, I focused on others and what I they needed.  I lacked entitlement which is just another way of saying my needs do not matter.  I tried to figure out what others wanted from me rather than what I needed from them.

The process of losing weight may put you more in touch with yourself as a special person.  This was so true for me.  I realized that I had hit rock bottom and unless I focused on myself, I could die.  Losing weight took all my effort.  I had to put myself first.  Little by little, the notion clicked that I was as important as anyone else.  When you gain weight, you feel ashamed.  Shame leads to feeling that you do not matter.  Always remember that you are so valuable.  Lets go forward to losing weight!



Stress Eating

stress eatingAll of us have had the experience of eating food to help us cope and feel better.  You can refer to this as stress eating.  Stress eating is a double edged sword; it makes us feel better in the moment, but can also fill us with regrets.  You might feel that you have lost control or that you have eaten the wrong things and have strayed from your goals.

There are many different forms of stress.  Being bored can be stressful as well as being overly busy.  Stress can be triggered by anxious thoughts and by unfortunate circumstances.  I have come to realize that stress eating can be managed.  Your first step is to recognize what circumstances trigger the stress eating behavior.  When I feel stressed, I drink water and choose foods that are within my healthy choices.  Experiencing stress is inevitable.  How you cope with it is what counts! Take Care!



The Far Reaching Effects of a Lifestyle Change

Healthy Weight LossLosing weight meant going through a lifestyle change for me.  By this I mean, I needed to modify my eating habits and my sedentary ways.   I did not realize that changing those things would also effect my outlook on life and my self-esteem.  Generally, I see the world more positively now.  I use to perceive people as critical and judgmental.  I now view people as more engaging and accepting.  I feel more connected to people and that gives me a larger sense of purpose.

I want to engage with people more as opposed to isolating myself.  Internally my self-esteem has increased to the point that I feel at peace with myself.  I know longer feel hurt, ashamed and un-happy.  Changing my lifestyle around food goes well beyond weight loss.  It can give you a fresh outlook on life and yourself.  Weight Cliquers, have a marvelous day!!



Why Breakfast is Essential for Weight Loss

breakfastI have chosen breakfast as my main meal of the day.  The reason why I adapted to this habit is I am hungriest in the morning.  When I was morbidly obese, I use to eat snacks late at night and have a big dinner which did nothing for my weight loss.  Once I eliminated night time binging and enormous dinners, I started to consistently lose weight and began craving more in the AM.

I decided to make breakfast my main meal so I could burn off calories throughout the day.  The food that I eat during the day gives me energy.  I have learned that breakfast fires up your metabolism so you can get moving and feel pumped during the day.  I have no problem eating salmon or chicken in the morning.  Also, I have realized that breakfast does not have to be the traditional everyday cereal.  Incorporating a healthy protein breakfast is the best way to start your day off right.  Start motivating yourself with a delicious morning meal so you can feel amazing!



Do you have Swimsuit Phobia?

vintage-swimsuits_largeMost woman usually dread summer months.  When we expose so much more of our bodies to public view, we may feel nervous about how we appear.  Shame and embarrassment can keep us from the beach and other fun in the sun activities.  Rather than focus on your appearance, give attention to the excitement and laughter you could be experiencing with your family and friends.  Feel the exhilaration of swimming in the pool or ocean.

Take note that there are many, varied types of swimsuits and cover-ups that are on the market which could flatter your body.  This may boost your bathing suit confidence.  Pick a suit that makes you feel comfortable and at your best, no matter what your size is.  Enjoy every moment of your summer! Stay happy and feel wonderful about yourself!

