Emotional Effects of Weight Loss

shutterstock_250811359Since I have lost weight, I have been struck by how many individuals notice me now. Before, the kind of notice I received was negative. People used to tell me I need to take care of myself. I felt embarrassed and ridiculed. Now, when friends notice me, they say “How did you do it?” or “You look fabulous!” I feel proud of myself and acknowledged for my effort. Before, when I would run into acquaintances I was ashamed by my appearance. Now, I feel more accepted and my self-esteem has vastly improved.

My relationship with the world has transformed. It is heartbreaking to look back at old pictures and realize how out of control my weight was. I know that I was not happy. I feel compassion for myself and others more than I ever have. I never want to go back to that weight again. I realize that I used food to comfort me during a very demanding time. Looking back, I had a lot of poignant effects during the full course of my weight loss, but have conquered the battle and feel so blessed!

To my fellow WEIGHT CLIQUERS, Take a step towards a healthy lifestyle even if it’s drinking more water or choosing to eat smaller meals through out the day. Challenge yourself each day so that you can feel good about yourself too! GO FOR IT!



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